About Us


Inkblot Advertising was created for one purpose—to help our clients using a comprehensive creative process that uses real consumer insights from our research in behavioral science to inspire our work. By following this process, we have created a way to develop a unique positions for your brand in a way that motivates consumers to take actions that are specifically relevant to your marketing goals.

 Why choose Inkblot Advertising?

We know you have a lot of options. You could get help with marketing or advertising from any one of a million companies. But we offer services that those companies don’t offer:

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A proprietary process inspired by behavioral science

Our proprietary process produces work that motivates consumers to take actions that are specifically relevant to your marketing goals. This kind of process is critical because in today’s world, results matter.

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We work as an extension of your team

As if their jobs weren’t difficult enough, the clients we have worked with have told us they need to see improvement in their marketing metrics in a very short period of time, with less resources than they would like. That’s where we come in.

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Looking for research education and consulting?

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Looking for commissioned research?